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اللعبة الشهيرة Need for Speed™ No Limits في أحدث إصداراتها للـ iOS

اللعبة الشهيرة Need for Speed™ No Limits في أحدث إصداراتها للـ iOS

السلام عليكم 
مرحبا بكم في مدونة يمن برو
اليكم اليوم لعبة

Need for Speed™ No Limits

Race for dominance in the first white-knuckle edition of Need for Speed made just for mobile – from the developer that brought you Real Racing 3. Build your dream ride with an unbelievable range of cars and customizations. Launch yourself between chaos and control as you hit the loud pedal and roll into underground car culture. Win races, up your rep, then kick into more races, more customizations, and more cars. Make your choices and never look back

Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

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